MEChA de UCLA Raza Graduation

Raza Graduation provides a space for students to organize a graduation ceremony that celebrates Raza students on campus, their families, their cultures, their communities, and their accomplishments. Raza Grad is the graduation in which students that identify with the Latino/a, Chicano/a culture can take part of. This graduation is unique because students who are graduating are the ones that put their graduation together. Students decide what type of cultural entertainment they are going to have, who the student speakers are going to be, the community speaker, and the overall format of the ceremony. This ceremony is a celebration of all the accomplishments that the students have achieved with the help of their community and to ultimately promote retention, higher education and la Raza.

[email protected]

Signatories: Joel Calixto, Joel Olea-Calixto, and Monica Hurtado

Advisor: Orlando Luna

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